About the Lake Lincolndale Property Owners' Association (LLPOA)

The LLPOA is a New York corporation, established in 1937. It is governed by a parent board consisting of 15 directors.

Thomasine Mastrantoni, Chairman of the Board

Class of 2024 

Glenn Jacobs
Josh Klempner
Jennifer Siciliano
Rebecca Wintle

Class of 2025 

Chuck Dammeyer
Keith Hammel
Bob Hicks
Anthony Marro
Michael O’Keefe 

Class of 2026 

ML Zywotchenko
Stephanie Geiger
Clare Blarden
Rich Karlson
Al Ziegler 

The executive committee consists of six officers:

Patricia Kelleher, President
Jose Hernandez, Vice President
Kathy Fable, Treasurer
Patty Mulholland, Financial Secretary
Nancy Meza, Corresponding Secretary
Natalia Jones, Recording Secretary

All business of the LLPOA is conducted by the President, who is the chief executive, and by a variety of committees whose chairpersons report directly to the President.

Officers' terms are 2 years. Elections are held each August.

The LLPOA board meets the second Wednesday of every month in the clubhouse, 11 Lakeshore Drive North, Lake Lincolndale, NY. at 8:00 PM.



Photo: Corinne Procopis

Photo: Corinne Procopis

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